Theme: Cleared for Take Off - A Pilot's Guide to Returning to Flying
Date: Thursday, 15 October 2020
Time: 18h00
Calling all Pilots!
With lockdown levels in South Africa becoming less restrictive and the resumption of international flights, Mayday-SA and the AERO South Africa Virtual Marketplace proudly presents this webinar: Cleared for Take Off - A Pilot's Guide to Returning to Flying. Join Paul Dickens for a presentation and discussion on preparing pilots to return safely and effectively to flying post-pandemic - it's definitely not just a case of turning up for a flight and starting the engines! This webinar is aimed at giving all pilots, whether general aviation, recreational or airline operations, information on how to return to flying after the long break of lockdown.
Paul Dickens is one of only 11 accredited Aviation Psychologists in the UK. He is a member of the British Psychological Society’s expert working group on Aviation psychology, the ICAO Mental Health Working Group, and is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society.
Paul Dickens

Paul has a BA(Hons) degree in Psychology from Exeter University and an MPhil in Clinical Psychology from the University of Glasgow. He is a Chartered Psychologist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society. He is an Accredited Aviation Psychologist and a member of the European Association for Aviation Psychology and is registered as a Practitioner Clinical Psychologist with the UK Health and Care Professions Council.
Paul initially worked in the National Health Service as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist but left to pursue a career in organisational psychology, since when he has worked with Boards, Directors, Chief Executives, Senior Management and other teams in the UK, Italy, Germany, Austria, France, USA, UAE and Australia. His psychological consulting is now exclusively in the aviation sector with a specialisation in the rotary-wing field and his clients include Leonardo Helicopters, CHC, Bristow, Babcock Offshore and Onshore, NHV, UNIFLY and Universal Helicopters. In the fixed-wing field he is active with, Wizzair, West Atlantic, CargoLogicAir, DHL Air, and Titan Airways. He is a member of the ICAO Mental Health Working Group, and UK CAA Crew Health and Wellbeing Subgroup.
Jaco van der Westhuizen

Jaco started his career as an Air Traffic Controller in the SA Air Force and worked at OR Tambo International as an Aerodrome controller until 2001. Thereafter he migrated towards Human Factors as a result of his ergonomics and psychology subjects and his personal experiences of aviation incidents. His qualifications range from a Bachelors in Human Movement Science, to a Masters in Business Leadership and a PhD in Organisational Behaviour from the University of Pretoria. His particular interest revolves around safety behaviour and system safety. In 2018 Jaco joined the MAYDAY-SA team as a result of his experience in a Critical Incident Stress Management programme that he started for ATNS in 2008. Currently Jaco is a contracted facilitator in SMS, FRM and Human Factors training for the International Federation of Air Traffic Controller Associations (IFATCA) as well as IATA and he supervises Master-level students for the Southern Business School in Namibia and South Africa.